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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 1-282

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Ergodic Properties of Linear Dynamical Systems

Russell A. Johnson, Kenneth J. Palmer, and George R. Sell

pp. 1-33

Simple Criteria for Stable Bifurcating Periodic Solutions of O.D.E.'s

G. Cicogna

pp. 34-45

An Explicit Solution of the Inverse Periodic Problem for Hill's Equation

Allan Finkel, Eli Isaacson, and Eugene Trubowitz

pp. 46-53

Oscillatory Second Order Linear Difference Equations and Riccati Equations

John W. Hooker, Man Kam Kwong, and William T. Patula

pp. 54-63

On Oscillations of Some Retarded Differential Equations

O. Arino, G. Ladas, and Y. G. Sficas

pp. 64-73

An Abstract Delay-Differential Equation Modelling Size Dependent Cell Growth and Division

M. Gyllenberg and H. J. A. M. Heijmans

pp. 74-88

Weak Solutions of an Initial Boundary Value Problem for an Incompressible Viscous Fluid with Nonnegative Density

Jong Uhn Kim

pp. 89-96

Etude des états Stationnaires Pour une Équation de Schrödinger non Linéaire Comportant un Terme non Autonome

Alain Bamberger and Laurence Halpern

pp. 97-126

Shock Layers in Perturbed Systems Related to Steady Conservation Laws

F. A. Howes

pp. 127-136

Singular Perturbations for Nonlinear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Problems

Ahmed Benaouda and Monique Madaune Tort

pp. 137-148

The One-Dimensional Nonlinear Heat Equation with Absorption: Regularity of Solutions and Interfaces

Miguel A. Herrero and Juan L. Vázquez

pp. 149-167

A Volterra Equation with $L^2 $-Solutions

Stig-Olof Londen

pp. 168-171

Solutions of a Nonlocal Conservation Law Arising in Combustion Theory

Robert Gardner

pp. 172-183

Application of Topological Techniques to the Analysis of Asymptotic Behavior of Numerical Solutions of a Reaction-Diffusion Equation

Sat Nam S. Khalsa

pp. 184-190

On the Zeros of the Askey–Wilson Polynomials, with Applications to Coding Theory

Laura Chihara

pp. 191-207

Time to Reach Stationarity in the Bernoulli–Laplace Diffusion Model

Persi Diaconis and Mehrdad Shahshahani

pp. 208-218

Real Singularities of Singular Sturm–Liouville Expansions

Gilbert G. Walter and Ahmed J. Zayed

pp. 219-227

$q$-Pollaczek Polynomials and a Conjecture of Andrews and Askey

W. A. Al-Salam and T. S. Chihara

pp. 228-242

On the Generalized Chebyshev Polynomials

Mourad E. H. Ismail and Fuad S. Mulla

pp. 243-258

Generalized Fejér and Lanczos Kernels

M. Clutton-Brock

pp. 259-272

On the Asymptotic Expansion of Mellin Transforms

C. L. Frenzen

pp. 273-282